
Nomad Mondays

Mondays from 6 to 7:45 at IAC – Nomad Monday’s are for students 7-12th grade for friends, Jesus, and laughter. Snacks, adventurous somethings, worship, and hanging out. More info at

We need each family to complete this Parent Consent. This includes our media release, permission, medical release, and communication acknowledgment.

Please email Pastor Aaron with any questions.

Nomad Life Groups are starting up for the fall season!

  • MS Boys
    1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays in classroom 2 between 1st and 2nd services.
  • MS Girls
    2nd and 4th Sundays in the Servant Academy Room between 2nd and 3rd services.
  • HS Boys
    Every Sunday during 2nd service in the Annex.
  • HS Girls
    Every Sunday during at 5 in the Annex.

Student Note

Weekly Email from Pastor Aaron for Students & Parents

Email if you would like to start receiving the Student Note.

Upcoming Student Events

Scroll through here:

Nomad Mondays
Mondays from 6-7:45pm

IAC is the best spot to be with friends and Jesus each week. Each night we have light snack, large activities, and a conversational learning environment. And a next step is Baptism or Affirmation (Nov. 3, Jan. 12, April 20, June 8)

Every Monday except: September 2, November 25, December 23, December 30, January 20, February 17, March 2

Life Groups and Winter Retreat
Our Life Groups and Retreats are all about becoming like Jesus together and welcoming the Holy Spirit to continue shaping us. Life Groups meet on Sundays and are organized into gender and grade specific communities. Details in the Student Note

Life Group Kickoff: September 8
Winter Retreat is scheduled for February 14-1

We, all of us, are being sent into the world with the love of the Father! Our Nomad Sendings this year include City Serve, LOCW, and Wander Week. If more are created we will share in the Student Note

City Serve: Oct.5
LOCW: June 8-13
Wander Week (HS Only): July 13-1

Sometimes you just need time together and a safe place to bring friends. Each of these Hangouts are days when most students don't have school.

Times, location, and activity will be announced, along with additional Hangouts, in the Student Note two weeks ahead of time

MLK Jr Climbing Night, Sunday, Jan 19
Ski Trip: Saturday-Sunday, March 8

Servant Academy
Servant Academy is our student leadership community. SA Meets every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month at 7:30am. Servant Academy will also be joining the Leadership Development Cohort (LDC) this fall.

LDC Come and See, Aug 18, Aug. 25 between service

You are the primary spiritual influencer of your student! Our Parent Focus events are formational opportunities for all parents. Our Student Note shares information and resources for you.

IAC Holistic Safety Training: October 13
Parent Focus, The Anxious Generation: Nov. 4, Nov.18, Dec. 2
Parent Nights: January 6, May 19

Click HERE for all of the current Student Events.

Click the following image to download this year's calendar: