Kids at IAC

Kid Church (Sunday Morning)

Our children are not just the church of the future: they are the church of the present! We understand and welcome the messes, squirming, and noises that come from our littlest disciples. We do offer a cry room and nursing space adjacent to the sanctuary, as well as a nursery for babies. We also offer a safe and engaging Kid Church program for older children through sixth grade during the sermon.

Here’s what to do if you want your kids to participate in Kid Church (0-6th Grade):

1. Check-In

First time visitor? Pre-check in your kids here to speed Sunday morning check-in.

Make sure to check-in your children before the service starts at the check-in station by the doors to the sanctuary. Each child will receive a name-tag sticker for their shirt. Parents will receive one security sticker by default (more can be selected during check-in). Parent Security Stickers are needed to pick up your child. (If a security sticker is lost, a parent can show a picture ID to pick up kids.)

2. Drop Off – after the Blessing of the Children

Kids Nursery – 4 Years: Classrooms in the Kids Hallway

Kids K – 4th Grade: Basement Fellowship Hall

Kids 5th – 6th Grade: 9:30am &11am Services – Second Classroom in the Kids Hallway

3. Pick Up – during the Passing of the Peace

During the Passing of the Peace, all parents with children, birth through 6th grade will go with their claim sticker(s) and retrieve their children. If you do not have a claim sticker with you for all of your children, you must show your ID to retrieve your children. Once you show your claim sticker, your child’s teacher will remove the child’s name tag and they will then be released to go with you.

Once a child has been dismissed from Kids Ministry, they should NOT be wearing a nametag sticker.

If you have questions, you can email Pastor Mady at

Children & Family Events

Families and children need community outside of Sunday morning just like everyone else! Our goal is not to just fill up a calendar with activities, but to provide meaningful opportunities for connection, encouragement, and fun. We plan these kinds of events regularly: check out the Events page to learn more about what’s happening.

Click here to see all registrations for 56.

Children & the Sacraments


We welcome infants for baptism and regard it as a biblical and gospel-rooted practice. However, we also respect those who do not hold this belief, and we have families at IAC that choose not to baptize their infant children.

Baptism is the sacrament of being included in the covenant community of God’s people. Therefore, we always baptize infants and children based on the faith of their parents, which they then commit to passing on to their children. At baptism, children become part of the covenant community, where they grow in their knowledge and love of the Lord until they – one day – “complete” their baptism by expressing personal repentance and faith. At this point, Reaffirmation is an appropriate demonstration of how God has fulfilled what began in baptism.


Communion is the “family meal” of the covenant community, so all baptized children are absolutely welcome at the table. If children are not baptized, they are welcome to cross their arms over their chest as they approach the table so that we will know to pray a blessing over them. If children forget to cross their arms, please ask us and we will gladly pray for them! Parents, as the primary spiritual heroes of their children, decide at what age their baptized children are prepared to receive communion.

We fully realize that we come from a variety of faith backgrounds where these are debated practices. Please don’t hesitate to contact one of the clergy if you have questions or would like to know more.