IAC is deeply grateful to steward the tithes and offerings of God's people. Your generosity is one of the ways we release the gospel that heals together.

A people sent to Colorado Springs by the church in Rwanda

IAC is deeply grateful to
steward the tithes and offerings
of God's people. Your generosity
is one of the ways we release
the gospel that heals together

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Why Give?

The Son of God gave up everything so that we might have all things. We are now invited to join him in giving sacrificially for the abundance of others and the growth of his kingdom.

At IAC we believe that the 10% tithe, with other offerings given above the tithe, is a foundational practice of gospel generosity. IAC follows this practice in our own budget. IAC tithes 10% of all gifts received to our church family – the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains – which supports church plants across the western US and other initiatives. Another 10% is given to ministries outside IAC’s doors, including mission partners, local organizations, our Rwandan sister church, and our local church plants. An overview of our budget is always available upon request.

If you would like to mail checks, or have your bank send one for you, please use our mailing address:

Anglican Church

PO Box 8210
Colorado Springs, CO